So much has been going on, so I am gonna try to remember some of the cool new happenings that I would like to share for the moment. Sorry if this post comes off a little sporadic, I am gonna bring things up to speed as they come to memory in no particular order!
First off, we will have a brand new official homepage up and running by the end of the month! The URL will remain the same, as, but the entire layout will be completely different. We have always done all that sort of stuff by ourselves in the past, but as things in the past few months have become so incredibly busy, we just have not had a spare moment to do all the small things we managed to be able to do before. (Including get on the blog and post something!) A good friend and associate of ours has recommended someone to us that keeps himself busy building websites for people, so let's see how this turns out! Though the new layout will be up and running in the next couple of weeks, it will be far from perfect (as if our current one is!). Since we now have someone on our side looking after the website for us, things will be regularly updated on there.
As the weeks and months progress from the official launch, we should have all ares of the website full of good stuff, including updated pictures and news, as well as photos/specs/and price lists for all the Combat lineup of Guitars and Basses!
Please keep an eye out on the site from time to time. In any case, I will be blogging about the big updates on there, and as always you can can catch up to the moment updates by simply following us on our Twitter.. if you are the Tweeting type.
Ok, next is some cool stuff regarding Ohta Katsu.
Coming up very soon Katsu will be hosting a Guitar Clinic, right here on site at the Combat Guitars office in Tokyo on October 24th, and again the next day at our smaller Sendai outlet location.
Fans of Katsu will surely not want to miss out on this extra special event and sit down with the man himself, to not only see his amazing virtuosic ability, but to have the opportunity to learn a few new tricks and licks. It's also a good way to get a glimpse of Katsu's Combat Signature ST put to the test and in action!

A while ago we had two Guitar Clinics hosted by Duel Jewel guitarist Shun, and these went down really successfully, so we are super stoked at what the Ohta Katsu Guitar Clinic will be like.

A while ago we had two Guitar Clinics hosted by Duel Jewel guitarist Shun, and these went down really successfully, so we are super stoked at what the Ohta Katsu Guitar Clinic will be like.

Though I never thought of it for either of Shun's Clinics, maybe if opportunity arises I will remember to get some photos of the Ohta Katsu Clinic, and maybe post a little blog report.
(*photos left/right: Ohta Katsu Signature Combat ST)
We have made so much cool stuff lately, it really has been one project after another, so it has been hard to get photos of everything! I keep thinking I will have a chance to get a photo of something and the next thing I know it is out the door already!
Really is a shame that I can't share every guitar that gets built but I do have some photos of some nice looking ST Warms and G-Series guitars we have made very recently, as well as some other cool custom stuff. I will have to dig into my pc here and see what new stuff I have and just throw a collage of stuff up on here on my next post.
So before this post gets too long, just check this brand-new bitchin' ST Warm!
Gotta love that super nice quilted maple hand carved top! All natural body binding, and hand-made ebony pick-up rings as well.
It's good to be back on here.. man I could spend all day on here talking about stuff but I will hold off so I can unload a little more tomorrow, with some more pics!
I hope this pic of the custom ST Warm was a teaser enough to urge you back here soon to check out what else we have been up to at Combat.
See ya back here!
- Combat Colin.
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